Monday, July 14, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Long time since and update..

So I'm chillin in the Eugene Public Library with my homey Liz and she's reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban and I'm pirating music and working on a loooong overdue Experimental Animation project. Ripping Jimmie Rodgers right now. Yay.
I'm up to three x day of Propranolol 20mg and still 100mg Amitriptylene. Headache still comes back every single day. Lame.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday night... May 1st, 2k8

Head is a bit weird. Been taking an expectorant for my headache. Going to start a secondary blog for film reviews. Did my drug test for Albertson's today. I'll be working soon! Orientation Saturday at 8am. Eesh.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Real Clear Politics"

You all know this site, right? "Real Clear Politics." Along with Fox's claim of being "Fair and Balanced," we get another blatantly false claim. Both of these news sources are quite clearly biased, Real Clear Politics being owned by two admitted conservatives, John McIntyre and Tim Bevan, and Fox News being owned and directed by Rupert Murdoch.

I suppose that most news media leans to the left, in the sense that it reflects the majority opinion on the environment, a woman's right to choose, and other issues, such as concern for your fellow man, etc. I'm not denying that there are certain contradictions here; with a government such as the one we have in the United States, it's going to be a bit difficult to really show concern for your fellow man when we have a ridiculously low tax rate ((See here, and here, and here) please try and refute my data, I dare you) and we're told to go it alone by mother culture. The problem with the American Dream, of course, is that it certainly acknowledges the narcissism inherent in any individual divorced from a REAL concept of community, while ignoring the idea that perhaps we need these very COMMUNITIES to survive. We're a very group-based animal. Another simple way to put this, so that you understand: Jesus Christ dictates that we should treat one another better than ourselves. Turn the cheek, make peace, be meek.

The truth of the matter is that we're a bunch of selfish, whiny bitches. And when we think we're going to change the way abortions are done (consider before it was legal, when it went down in back-alleys, like in countries where it's not legal now), or that we're getting stepped on a little more than we should, its probably because all those rich Republocrats are able to bury their tax burdens in their LLC's and elsewhere, while the poor and middle classes don't realize that it's the nasty, two-party corporate system to blame.

People in Europe pay $8 for a gallon of gas and way more per pound of meat. We're spoiled, insufferable, misled whelps, and the "American Way" is a stupid farce. It's never been realistic and it will continue to grow more and more difficult until the average American realizes its not realistic, stands up, and decides that those on top shouldn't have this "Dream" anymore than we should - IT'S A LIE.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Most people live in China.. at least on this Friday they do

Argh. It's 730am and I haven't begun my paper on the Norwegian film "Most People Live in China," or in Norwegian, "Folk flest bor i Kina." The Norwegian Film Institute has the best review of it that I've found. Essentially, as we were told in class, it is a "portmanteau" film, which is a word for a bag that opens to several compartments, or in Lewis Carroll's verbiage, a combination of two words to form a new word, like "smoke" and "fog" to make "smog", or "breakfast" and "lunch" to make "brunch." Urban Dictionary also says that it can also be a "cliche and uncreative way" to create new words, or even a word used only by Wikipedia that is essentially meaningless. The latter seems an unpopular interpretation (see definition #4).

None of these really seem to fit the film, as the film certainly seems anything but cliche, and I don't see how it is captured by the combination of several semiotic parts to create a new whole, in which both original parts create the new whole. Instead, there is a common link between all of the wholly separate stories, as in Four Rooms (with Tim Roth the bellhop).

My conclusion:

A critically thinking American watching the pawky Folk flest bor i Kina feels an acute sense of powerlessness: The rich octet of stories presented here shows a multi-faceted, complex people and their political counterparts or representations; Our own polity rings hollow in comparison and makes us feel more than a bit ashamed. Imagine for a second the American equivalent. We get two stories, one with a bright, kitschy blue, and the second a bright, mammon red. By laying the original two film stocks, both blue and red, upon one another, we see a busy, confused story in which we really can't make out a decent narrative, plot, or dramatic shape. The two stories, which really aren't that different at heart, have become some sort of avant-garde garble, much more Brakhage and Fischinger than Bunuel. The key here though is that when we lay the two on top of one another, the film stock has become somehow unerringly green. This may seem coincidental, but its not; our political story is all about an unintelligible narrative and script, and becomes a thickly obfuscated mess, the directors here simply concerned that they have enough mesmeric, blue and red mute print to keep their green-hued answer print as interminable as possible. At least this movie has a solution in Lasse. Even if we're blind and otherwise mundane, our dreams can ultimately save us.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have a reflection paper to write for Nordic Film that I have yet to start. The movie was Most People Live in China, which is an interesting title for an equally interesting movie. Not sure exactly what to think, to be honest. It was a portmanteau film, apparently.
Well g'luck to me, anyway.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday / What is art? / The strange case of Guillermo Vargas Habacuc

When visiting my friend Jason in Portland recently, he informed me about Snopes, which seemed quite interesting. Admittedly, I've never seen the show Mythbusters, but it sounds like something that would interest me immensely.
I get a group invitation on Facebook, a chain email from a concerned friend, or at least hear about some grave cause day-to-day. Being an overly concerned citizen, one with direct ties to, say, Human Rights Watch, Save Darfur, and even groups like the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, with much smaller, more ephemeral, and partisan goals, I start to wonder at which point I should consider sleep, after a full day of rocking chair-internet-hucksterism and American-intention-divorced-from-action-but-
fulfilled-through-donation/charity activism...

Today, I awoke, unable to sleep, and logged into facebook, only to find a petition to sign about Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, an artist who supposedly chained a starving dog to a tether, and starved it to death in the name of art. I'm all for avant-garde art, as long as it makes entrenched Republicans and other idiots uneasy, don't get me wrong, but I'm also a vegetarian, and despite being so mainly for social reasons (horrible US slaughterhouses, their shitty correlate laws -how grossly meat is subsidized in the US, how eat too much meat is linked to health problems, and how taxpayers are ultimately being fucked for it - and the gross amount we, as Americans, eat), I would like to consider myself a fairly aware citizen. I think fur is disgusting, and I frown upon undue pain, from prisoners in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, down to assisted suicide and medical marijuana.
So, who is Habacuc, what's the deal, and does this petition really mean anything? Let's start here. Undetermined, says Snopes. Nobody seems to know if the dog really died, it is undetermined whether it was mistreated while it was an exhibit, and esssentially, the facts seem blurred on both sides.
has this to say:
"There is also no dispute that the reports about the exhibition have sparked international outrage. Websites, blogs, and petitions were devoted to protesting the exhibit and calling for the artist to be uninvited from the Central American Biennial event in 2008.

There is not agreement, however, about whether the dog was mistreated and died as a result of Vargas exhibit."

The argument doesn't seem over. Did the dog actually die of starvation? Did it escape after a day and its three hours of being tethered to the exhibit, and find a similar or even worse fate in the streets of Nicaragua? Was it fed well while being used by the artist as an example of the horrible conditions of stray dogs?
I'm a little confused, because the artist also exhibited a sign above the dog, saying "Eres lo que lees": You are what you read, while also burning 175 crack rocks in a nearby censer. Were they all part of the same artistic installment? What is the combined aesthetic here? Does it make sense, and is it even the artist's job to make sense?
This blog is setup to monitor the artist, and continue circulating a sort of e-novena with the purpose of remembering Natividad, the dog that the artist used for his exhibit. Here is a tacky youtube video, replete with terribly sentimental (read: pointlessly emotional) music, which doesn't get any closer to the issue at hand.
This blog says x and y about this artist, yet doesn't provide great sources. It states that his myspace has him admitting he killed the dog, but doesn't provide a link to his myspace. So where is the proof? It says that its sole purpose is to act against further disinformation, but at what point does it become anything other than that simply because it won't credit its source.

Leave it to deviantart to provide some interesting thought on the matter.

My thoughts on the matter are as follows. Aesthetically, artists should be free to do whatever they want, just like other humans, as long as they aren't harming someone. I guess I call this the John Stuart Mill aesthetic, getting the idea directly from his "On Liberty," my personally favorite work on political philosophy. In this case, how do you define that? Say the dog was fed well, or escaped, and the artist didn't kill it. It's still.. retarded. Do you really need to show the dog starving below a sign saying, "you are what you read"? You are what you read? Hmm. You're also what you exhibit, which in this case is effete schlock which isn't really going to change anybody's callous heart anytime soon. Can people change, sure, but should something innocent suffer, even for three hours, to affect that change? No. It's just dumb and brutal, and essentially shows that the artist is no better than the dregs of society that he's supposed to be changing. It's sophomoric, aesthetically displeasing, and vacuous. Again, I'm about as liberal as they come. I don't care if people piss or shit on religious icons, let alone use manure to show how fertile the blessed virgin is. At the end of the day, whether through religion or science, we're all related. An icon is just an icon, but flesh and blood are flesh and blood. Shock my senses, break up my mouldered and staid worldview, but don't hurt something to make me more sensitive; it's pointless.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Book club at Bel Ami. Apparently the birthplace of the Richmond Gimlet, created by this guy, drink of the month dude in Playboy. That's kinda cool, no?

Meeting a friend for coffee first, at the Marines-denying Starbucks. Bull + Shit.
Happens a lot though, of course, so why should we expect anything different?

And yes, I have officially been hired by Albertson's pharmacy and do my drug test tomorrow. Frickin' rad. Money will be a welcome sign.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday Monday Monday

So I got my Macbook Thursday. I'm on binder E-L of music, as far as transferring everything to my itunes. What a pain in the rear.
Class today at 3. My head seems pretty good thus far. I'm laying here in bed with a binder of cds. My date didn't work out. I'm trying to get a damn job, but nobody will call me back, and I'm three days late on a simple reflection paper for a movie that I've only partially watched.
Yay me.
I forgot to do a look at the week ahead too. Sucktastic.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Weekend here/Week recap

I'm sick. It's bullshit. But, on a positive note, Death Cab is in town and I have tickets. I can't wait. It should be completely rad. I'm hoping for a cool shirt or hoodie.

Great Day!

I got my macbook and financial aid today. Awesome. Head seems better. Go figure.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Video Self-Portrait

A Look at the Week Ahead, pt. 2

The fed will report on consumer credit on Tuesday. Ouch, America, ouch. A bunch of corporations report quarter finances. Boring.

Tonight the World Bank and IMF are meeting. Following the German Foreign Minister's visit, Lee Myung-bak from South Korea visits the US. Paraguay has elections on the 20th. Hmm.

Apparently the Financial Times haven't updated their week yet. Weirdos.

Could get a nice "In God We Trust" in Huntington Beach in the council chambers. Does anyone find that slightly appalling? I suppose when justice is rare, we may as well entrust it to someone who never meddles in human affairs.

That about sums that up. I have a 15 second animation due tomorrow, which I feel like I'm done with, sans editing. It will be here. Pakistani food night tonight, I do believe. I think I have a date Monday night, but that's if she still decides to go ;), and yea, week 3, Spring Quarter, 2008. Watching a Kaurismaki film in Nordic film, The Man Without a Past. Excited for that.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday is beautiful

What a day outside! Seriously. Spring is definitely upon us.

"God bless the daylight. The sugary smell of springtime."

Yessir indeed, Benny G.

So I have a 15 second animation due Monday. My weekend will be spent doing lots and lots of photo taking, editing, and rushing back and forth to campus wasting gas money because I don't have a decent computer. My financial aid should probably get direct-deposited on Monday, but that's too late for this project. Boo.

It's done now (1040pm). Yay. Short post, over.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday the 11th

Well, week #2, Spring Quarter 2008 is done. I'll be working on my animated self-portrait all weekend, and I'm playing trivia again tonight at Eugene City Brewery.

We saw Celebration this week in Nordic film. Intense movie that I liked a whole bunch. It deals with sexual abuse, but also just family dysfunction in general. It's not for those that are easily disturbed, though perhaps they should ask themselves why they are being disturbed by a movie like this. Again, it's extremely intense subject matter. Has anyone seen Sleepers or The Woodsman? Celebration is the first Dogme 95 film

I tend to like realistic movies, and I'd say my favorite genre is Italian Neorealism. I saw a lot of similarities between the first Dogme and INR, and that's what I wrote my second reflection paper on.

The Portland trip made me quite happy. I finally got to check out the new complex of Herbivore Magazine, Food Fight, Scapegoat Tattoo, and Sweetpea Bakery. It was awesome. A Wilhelm Scream was amazing. I think the Bled, who were in the second show, are good, but I've seen em three times now and I just can't really wrap my head around liking them. HeavyheavyLowlow had some interesting riffs, and Dillinger Escape Plan were brutal and nuts, much like I expected. Let's just say blood was flowing from more than one of their wounds by night's end. Not really my deal.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Going to Portland, Oregon tonight with my homey Ben for two (yes, TWO) shows that will be amazing. Originally I was staying in Eugene for Protest the Hero (see earlier posts), but that show has apparently been canceled and so Ben and I are heading north.

The first show features A Wilhelm Scream. I've seen em before at the exact venue, and I'd have a hard time passing up the experience again. Think Iron Maiden meets like.. the pop sensibilities of say.. Hot Water Music or even Bad Religion at times. You can't really categorize them though, I'd say. They're really really good. They're touring in support of The Unseen.

The second show is a band that really needs no introduction. Dillinger Escape Plan have been at the forefront of extreme music with every release of theirs, spawning numerous terrible doppelgangers and even a few decent knock-offs. No "extreme" or even metal band that has formed in the past 10 years can get away from citing them as an influence, either directly or from a band that inspired them that was first inspired by DEP. It should be interesting, though I'm not a huge fan. They'll be supported by The Bled and HeavyHeavyLowLow.

Also I want to do swing dance lessons. My friend Maia and I might start them -- anybody do those that knows anything? Lemme know. I used to know somebody that did them.

I'm excited to see some of my Portland friends and just kinda have a day out of Eugene for the first time in quite a while. Adieu.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday 04.07.2008

Today is the NCAA Men's basketball championship. Kansas and Memphis. College basketball is a sport that I really, really like, and I've been wondering this question aloud a lot in my own head, so I think it's time to come out and simply ask it, in the digital world. First, however, I feel like I should give some background info. I.. I am a socialist. That being said, I'm not really like.. so pro-socialism that I think it's the only thing that works. Nor am I a jackass objectivist like .. oops.. like Ayn Rand or something, where I think the market is always going to correct itself and be beautifully perfect. I think pure socialism requires a ridiculous amount of naivety just as much as pure capitalism does.
Ok, so that being said, I'm looking to date a communist/socialist girl who loves basketball. Is that too hard to ask? I mean.. One who realizes that that system can't work flawlessly until every child is raised into an adult who gives a shit about one another, but seriously, isn't it possible? I mean.. maybe not that, but a girl who believes in her heart of hearts that it is and still wants to watch march madness?
My head really hurt last night but it feels so much better today! Yay. Oh, I'm missing some of the game!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Look at the Week Ahead

In case you don't believe me, take a gander; Bush is visiting Russia. Interesting.
Here's some more.
More Palestinian/Israeli talks - Abbas-Olmert, first time since February. Good luck. Gay and Lesbian Christian group meeting, Action Day for Darfur. Stuff going on, alright.
Howabout in Eugene? EW talks about MXPX playing at Taboo but who cares? Anybody who knows anything will be going for Protest the Hero. Virtuosic, political Canadian metal with pop sensibilities.

Some lyrics to their song "Spoils"
'Endowed with the art of casting names upon its being
The humans claimed dominion over every living thing

Proud as a purpose they became to walk the earth
As they arraigned the common creatures
Caught within the corpus, cursed, conscious human brain...

Language is the heart’s lament
A weak attempt to circumvent the loneliness inherent
In the search for permanence...'

Let's compare with Plate 11 from Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The ancient Poets animated all sensible objects
with Gods or Geniuses, calling them by the names and adorn-
ing them with the properties of woods, rivers, mountains,
lakes, cities, nations, and whatever their enlarged &
numerous senses could perceive.
And particularly they studied the genius of each city
& country. placing it under its mental deity.
Till a system was formed, which some took advantage
of & enslav'd the vulgar by attempting to realize or
abstract the mental deities from their objects; thus
began Priesthood.
Choosing forms of worship from poetic tales.
And at length they pronounced that the Gods had
orderd such things.
Thus men forgot that All deities reside in the human

My favorite poet, possibly my favorite passage by him, and one of my favorite contemporary bands summing up his thoughts, it seems. Track 31 on my imeem player over there --->
has Turn soonest to the sea by them. A sampling of those lyrics:

'Know we'll all wake up one day with a gun to the back of our brains
You'll be asking for your rib and I'll smile and I'll call you brave
Maybe someday when, when this bloody skull has dried I'll know our city is in ruins
And the greatest source of pride is a monument of dicks and ribs and gender crowns we wore
Where underneath, a plaque will read, a plaque will read, "No woman is a whore" '

Anyway, so yea.. my incomplete is done and I'm ready to move on with my life. I'll probably be working for Albertson's as a pharmacy technician soon as well.
Love you all.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Remember that sweet commercial with Queen's "Another one Bites the Dust"? Here ya go.
Might as well just make this a post about funny hearse commercials, eh?
Six Feet Under. Amazing show, too bad they didn't do commercials except in the pilot.

So my incomplete is done, for all intents and purposes. I simply have to add a bit to each of the three essays and I'm done. Of course I'm blogging and slacking.

So two more days of topamax and I'm done. I hope that holds the secret to ending this heavy head. Cross your fingers for me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Incompletes/Migraines/Weird sleep schedule/First week of class

Yea, here we go.
So trivia Friday night is the plan. It's gonna be tight. I'm gonna be done with my incomplete and planning on getting my macbook. Eugene City Brewery is the plan for trivia. Here's their myspace. Haha.
Oh the digital age. What a thing it is.
I applied for an internship on campus. I would love it. Who knows what the standings are.
My migraine is weird these days. Sometimes it goes away completely, other times not so much. It seems to be better overall though, for sure.
I made a stop motion video in experimental animation.
Check it ---

Friday, March 28, 2008

Inderal redux

Head still sucking. I hope it's going to work. I up the dose next Tuesday. Sooo much pressure. Salsa debir. It's not fun. Nor is completing an incomplete in paleoprimatology.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday/3/25/2008/Inderal 10MG

My mom takes Inderal 20mg as a migraine prophylactic and today I began it. It was amazing. I felt like a tight fist in the back of my head, knotted up for the last three months was finally opening itself up and giving my head new life. Thank you thank you thank you.
Fuck you topamax.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday.. I'm in Love.. With Garlic

Oh Tracktown, how I love thee. So I'm guessing my migraines are a mixture of a need for vasodilation and -constriction both, as I woke up this morning and felt the overwhelming need for garlic at 741 am. Don't ask.
After shoveling a spoonful of minced garlic into my mouth, I went back to bed for 4 more hours. Cereal, life, etc, blah blah blah. I got a gnarly craving for garlic breadsticks and a late lunch about 330 and Joel and I finally shoved off and arrived at Tracktown Pizza about 5pm. Garlic on my cheese pizza. Yum.
Rocked out to some Sir-Mix-A-Lot and Smashing Pumpkins.
I smell thoroughly garlicktastic.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


henry rollins is in town today. thinking about going.

head seems a bit better. bananas and yogurt are goooooooooooood.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

the unbearable lightness of blogging

so.. yea. just in case i wasn't before, i'm definitely single now. my hidden intensity came out and BAM, scared her away. oh well. better sooner than later.
and back to YAY FOR MIGRAINES!

Friday, March 21, 2008

worst feeling ever

i hate the feeling when you go from worrying if you should keep asking the girl you're seeing if you should bother her about hanging out again, after hanging out for several nights in a row, self-consciously worrying that you're smothering her, to not being able to even worry about it as she thinks you're a fucking headcase.

yay for injections!

well i got a migraine injection today. that was fun. pull down the pants, needle to the booty. woohoo. didn't really hurt though. :)
anyway. my head doesn't feel any better.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

last night. wow.

They always say you shouldn't mix alcohol with prescriptions.

I'm 28. I should know better. Right? Hmm..

I drank a full bottle of wine and a few beers. I weigh about 140lbs.

I made an ass of myself. I puked everywhere. The girl that I like.. I told her I Loved her. I puked more.

My headache is worse today than it has been. Silly me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


i need something to keep my mind off of my mind, so you are it.

i haven't had a website steadily since my server hook-up moved to seattle when the family biz went down randomly about 6 years ago or something.

marissa then trashed the computer that had all the files on it, backed up, in case i ever found another server.

so here goes.

i've had a status migraine since 2 days before christmas, 2007. it started building since the day my car got totalled in october. today is wednesday march 19th, 2008.

since this is my migraine diary, here goes.

i take 75mg topamax in the mornings, and 100mg amitriptyline at night. the side effects aren't too much fun, but they're bearable and i actually feel somewhat alright sometimes.

i've recently met someone and she is really nifty.