Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Untitled 43 (Music #26) 14 January 2015

To Nate:
FYI, I unfriended you on Facebook.  I'll be out of here quite soon, and even if your dad gave me another chance, I'd just say bye.  I'd rather be homeless and not play in a band than live with someone who can't talk to me about simple stuff.  You apparently told your dad that you weren't sure Rose was 18?  You never once mentioned it to me.  All you ever said to me was that we were loud one night.  That's fucked man.  You've often mentioned passive aggressive tendencies and that's about as low and passive aggressive as you can get.  Consider our friendship over.  Really fucked up man.  Accusing someone of pedophilia is serious shit.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Untitled 41 (Music #25) 7 January 2015

Next week I will present my favorite albums of 2014.  There are many great ones.  

Saor, Panopticon, The Roots, Run the Jewels, and others.

Stay tuned!