Tuesday, April 14, 2020

First in a while (Film #30)

My pharmacy manager is big into film.  Strangely, the last time I wrote a film entry on my blog, I had just gotten a job at Walmart in the pharmacy and in nearly 6 months there, there was very little talk of getting into the pharmacy tech program.  Flash forward nearly 5 years, and I'm a technician for Bartell Drugs with a 19.5 month old son.  

Game of Thrones ended some time ago, and some shows have held my attention, but few have been as great as Game of Thrones and what heartbreak at the end of that one.  Daenerys ruins everything.  

Ozark is good (finished season 3 recently), and watched Watchmen, Season 1, Witcher, Season 1, and The Shannara Chronicles.  The first three hover around the 9/10 mark, and TSC is probably closer to a 7.

I wonder what films Rowan will see in his life?  I've been without him for 6-7 weekends and it's tough.  On medical leave and trying to get that situated.  Hopefully back on Monday.  

Thursday, April 9, 2020

6 Weeks (A Look at the Weekend #32) 9 April 2020

Whhhhhhoooooaaaa baby.  I haven't tried to follow A New Commitment in ages, and with a 1.5+ year old son, a new start, etc, it's really time for "A New New Commitment." 

What better way to do that then to at least re-commit to an old commitment?  I dunno.  Some stats.  Bankruptcy is filed.  Student loans will start to be taken out of default, and my transcripts will be released.  I've missed over a month of work on medical leave and aim to go back Monday, 4/14. 

Going to dad's, mom's, and Trey/Julia's this weekend for a few days.  :)
I'd love to play disc golf, but communication with my few friends has been really difficult, and let's be frank, disc golf is a largely social endeavor for me.  Rob is gonna hang out with his family, and Jesse won't answer today, for some reason.  This coronavirus thing has everyone being really strange, and to be perfectly frank, I feel kinda lost.  It's time to start finding?  :D