Monday, September 3, 2012

No real weekend/Work 2/2 (Weekend Review #2)

"Langston Hughes put shanks in crews."

We passed their graves:
The dead men there,
Winners or losers,
Did not care.
In the dark
They could not see
Who had gained

Climb those cemetery walls again; leave these flowers at your headstone.

These are a few of my favorite things.  I had a good night with Bad Hat tonight.  I'm sick of piddling around with this thing, and even though this is supposed to be a weekend report, it may wind up a bit bigger than all of that.  It's about 1230am.  For the hypertext-challenged, the following references are The Roots, Langston Hughes, and Defeater.  

So the republicans pulled Clint Eastwood out of their hat, eh?  Interesting.  Considering how much the average republican bitches about celebrities being liberal, this is quite humorous.  It's also flat-out embarrassing and miserable.  Gran Torino deserves another look (expect a review on Evolutionary Psychology and Film), and I had my misgivings from the start.  Ugh.  He's doddering, and well into his dotage.  Nobody said it better than Jon Stewart.  

Some people start early.  Douche patrol code red on Paul Ryan's lyin'.  

I'm really considering a vote for a third party this year.  I just don't feel right voting for the establishment.  I'm not sure any true campaign finance reform can be enacted with these two parties, and that's the only real chance that can lead to a change in this country.  Maybe Green Party this year?  I'm not sure.  I wish we were parliamentary like England and other countries, where it wasn't just X and Y, but again, corporate politics seem to help keep this alive.

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