Monday, January 27, 2014

EPL Gonna miss this place (ALATWA #13) 27 January 2014

It feels really good to be posting on here.  I'm not doing it everyday, but just a little bit helps.  I'm at the Eugene Public Library (EPL), and I'd like to reflect on my relationship with this place.  Lately all of my entries are "life" entries, and not much about what they should actually be about.

I'll quickly change that.  A look at the week ahead.  Well, it's Monday, and my brother is sending someone to Eugene to help me pack on Thursday, so the week is generally me packing and scrambling around trying to sell a few things!  That's it.  I've met with friends who I'm very sad to leave and I hope that I get to see a few more before I peace out for the time being.

Most of my friends have left Eugene.  Were I to have followed a path of high efficiency, I wonder where'd I'd currently be?  Eugene seems like a great place.  I'm glad to be heading back to an area near my Dad and Mom.

Ok, anyway, let's talk about the library.  I know I got a library card pretty soon after moving here.  I always checked out way too many things, and I've had my library account in collections twice.  I've never lost or had anything stolen, but I've had things out ridiculously long.  I don't own it well enough.  You shouldn't check out books or media if you have a hard time managing life, which has always been a bit of a struggle.  It's like the Roots album, "Things Fall Apart."  I'm guessing that's name after the Chinua Achebe book (yes -, which comes from a W.B. Yeats poem)?

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