Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Fighting Confimation Bias

Tolerant Liberals !!!
Surprised? I'm not. I see it everyday, here, on this Page. Even those who've journeyed to libertarianism from the political left are far more likely to "Unlike" this page over a spirited disagreement. If you're a part of what I call "The 90+% Club," (in which we agree on almost everything), there are still those super-touchy, traditionally left-wing faves that might cause you to "Unfollow" or "Unlike."
(Yes. I've pulled out the "broad brush." No need to point that out.)
By the way, this study pretty much tracks, identically, findings published by the Washington Post a couple of years ago. So this is not some outlier conclusion. People predisposed to the political left really do want to shut you up or shut you out, in greater numbers than those perceived to be on the political right.
But, this is where I fundamentally differ from the initial premise of this study. I've long ago rejected the old Euro-paradigm of "left/right," in which the USSR was representative of left wing extremism, and Nazi Germany was right wing extremism. I prefer to place authoritarianism, (in all its labels), on the left end of the spectrum, and liberty on the right. In so doing, Stalin, on a two-dimensional left-right line, would be at the far left extreme, with Hitler only a handshake or two to his right -- yet still very far to the left.
Which brings me to my own unscientific observations over the past year. As a libertarian page, I'm just not going to have many Hillary supporters as followers -- save the occasional troll, or the few libertarians who cast a vote her way as the "better known of the two evils." We did accumulate a large number of libertarians or libertarian-leaning conservatives who threw all-in for Trump, as the "hopefully lesser of evils." That's where I'd experience my largest number of "Unlikes" -- whenever I'd take a hard swipe at some of Trump's more egregious stump rhetoric. But it really wasn't the "lesser of two evils" Trump supporters who'd click Unlike, and drop a few f-bombs on the way out the door. It was almost inevitably those who we'd label the radical Alt-right. Those whose priority issue is Trump's Wall. Those less predisposed to inclusion and tolerance.
That actual lefties are three times more likely to Unlike, Unfollow, Unfriend, or Block is not surprising, in the least. For all their talk of tolerance, tolerant is exactly what they aren't. Which is why they wish to publish an ever-growing list of "trigger words," define "hate speech" as anything they disagree with, and create "safe spaces" for themselves . . . at least until they can figure out how to run the rest of us off, or lock us away.
Let's not ignore the obvious fact that intolerance can be found amongst those on the right, as well -- revealing themselves as not so much "right," after all. Whether they wear #BlackLivesMatter hoodies or hooded #KKK robes, both groups seek the same things: to silence the focus of their disdain, and to disassociate by whatever means possible -- even with violence and destruction, disregarding the lives and property of others.
For now, I'm thankful for the "Unlike" link. It's a helluvalot better than a train ride to a right-wing concentration camp or left-wing gulag. (As if there's a difference.)
Now . . . who'll be the first to call me an "Imbecilic f--ktard" for this commentary, before clicking "Unlike?"

HahaShow more reactions
Cody Davis And yet, by the exact same percentage margin, conservatives are less likely to live near people in REALITY who don't have the same values. 50-35% in favor of fear of difference for conservatives. FWIW, my conservative friend posted the same article t...See More
Mark Great. Let's turn these into a metric. How do you suppose we do that.
UnlikeReply154 mins
Cody Davis Good question!
LikeReply53 mins
Cody Davis Maybe we should simultaneous unfriend each other to skew the data?
LikeReply52 mins
Cody Davis

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Mark Who peddles tolerance according to the Tolerance-Peddlers?
LikeReply51 mins
Mark You pretend to get serious then start mocking. I do not peddle tolerance.
LikeReply23 mins
Cody Davis I'm making a point. Liberals tolerate until their confirmation bias reaches a point. Just like conservatives. We both have our flaws. "to silence the focus of their disdain, and to disassociate by whatever means possible -- even with violence and destruction, disregarding the lives and property of others." You put the nail on the head!
LikeReply17 mins
Mark I already offered to take you seriously. You failed already N times. You are still preaching? People fight over this other countries. I already know how ignorant you are. You are now more obnoxious than in your original insult. 

Why do you think I need to learn such silly points from people who I already know do not comprehend logic, and likely do not comprehend any science?
LikeReply15 mins
Cody Davis I'm agreeing with you in your take on this. I'm just saying that reading a surface level study "liberals 3 times more likely to unfriend than conservatives" has a counterpoint with deeper study, as I pointed out. Ok, great liberals can't tolerate peo...See More

Politics and science have become entangled on numerous occasions over the past several years.…
Mark I do not argue like a Cultural Marxist Anthropologist pretending to be doing science. You are very close to getting blocked out.
LikeReply4 minsEdited
Cody Davis

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Cody Davis So you can't answer my question about why the vast majority of scientists identify as liberal AND you're about to unfriend me in the comment section of a post you made about conservatives being much less likely to unfriend liberals. Perhaps the study should be a bit more accurate and not take people's word on whether they blocked or unfriended someone, as people can easily lie about what they do, or have enough cognitive dissonance to forget these things.
LikeReplyJust now

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