Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Long time since and update..

So I'm chillin in the Eugene Public Library with my homey Liz and she's reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban and I'm pirating music and working on a loooong overdue Experimental Animation project. Ripping Jimmie Rodgers right now. Yay.
I'm up to three x day of Propranolol 20mg and still 100mg Amitriptylene. Headache still comes back every single day. Lame.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday night... May 1st, 2k8

Head is a bit weird. Been taking an expectorant for my headache. Going to start a secondary blog for film reviews. Did my drug test for Albertson's today. I'll be working soon! Orientation Saturday at 8am. Eesh.