Monday, December 29, 2014

Untitled 40 (ALATWA #33) 15/29 December 2014

Game night tomorrow?  Supposed to have pork chops with Jason tonight, looking forward to it.

Dental appointment tomorrow as well.  Wee.

Ready to quit my job.  Hate it.  Lame.  Gotta work on shit man.

One of the last entries of the year.  I've had a lot of downtime but I've still written way more on here this year than any other year.  I've still got a lot in me so we're just getting started :)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Untitled 39 (Weekend Review #23) 14 December 2014

Been a fun, busy weekend.  Cleaned out my car while suspended.  Took stock, really.  Hopefully the cleaning happens today.

First trip to Drina Daisy on Friday!  That place is really good.  Bosnian food in the heart of Astoria.  Thanks you Deana!

By fun I mean fuck everything.  This world sucks.  My tooth is killing me, I suspect Deana only helps me because she wants me to be her babies' daddy, and it's all simply bullshit.  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Untitled 38 (A Look at the Weekend #25) 11 December 2014

It's a struggle to post here every day, but I must.  I fancy myself a writer, and I must practice.  This is a glorified notebook of all the chaos that happens every in said writer's life.

It's important for me.

This weekend, Saturday will be busy.

Hey Justin, I need clarification on something.  Do I need to add things under Client during appointment if it's exactly what is under Concerns?  I made a mistake, I owned up to it, and I was the person who called them back and apologized.  I don't think my notes were terrible at all.  I think they were efficient, aside from one mistake.  Please let me know if you disagree.  You mentioned red notes, but we don't add much to red notes unless they're put across by the coach.  If I come across as a bit argumentative, it could be the high load of stress we've been under here.

I got so hurt by what Justin said to me, even though 90% of what he said was accurate.  I fucked up.

Major breakdown now.  Got called into office and I've been fucking up a lot.  More than I thought.  Suspended for a day :/

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Untitled 37 (Music #24) 10 December 2014

Lots of music.  Saw Mortals, Solstafir (holy crap), and Pallbearer last night.  Good shite.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Untitled 36 (Film #26) 9 December 2014

Well I've actually watched some films.  With the mid-season break of The Walking Dead, I have no Sunday night excuses anymore.

I recently watched "Into the Woods," which seems to be a big deal among theater types.  It was good!  A bit boring, but good.  I re-watched The Fall, which is still a very solid 9/10, and finally finished the Maggie Smith character vehicle, "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie."

The Last Films I've Seen
1. Into the Woods, 7.0/10
2. The Fall, 9.2/10

Monday, December 8, 2014

Untitled 35 (ALATWA #32) 8 December 2014

No more The Walking Dead until February.  Gonna start The Killing up again though.  New season is done I believe.  Yes, confirmed, all released together.  Bought a few DVDs this weekend as well.

Umm.. Pallbearer/Solstafir/Mortals tomorrow, so there's that.  Looking forward to all of those bands in their own ways.  Will probably listen to some more Solstafir on lunch today and tomorrow.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Untitled 36 (Saturday Life #) 6 December 2014

Shane Murray turned 35 today.

Just watched the fault in our stars and am watching into the woods...

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Untitled 34 (A Look at the Weekend #24) 4 December 2014

"Dark spruce forest frowned on either side of the frozen waterway.  The trees had been stripped by a recent wind of their white covering of frost, and they seemed to lean towards each other, black and ominous, in the fading light.  A vast silence reigned over the land.  The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness.  There was a hint in it of laughter, but of a laughter more terrible than any sadness, a laughter that was mirthless as the smile of the sphinx, a laughter as cold as the frost."
Jack London, The Call of the Wild

If that's not as black metal as fuck, you've got me as to what is.  Anyway, no real weekend plans at this point.  Carry on soldier.  

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Untitled 34 (Music #23) 3 December 2014

Well, it's Nate's birthday, and he's not doing anything with anyone.  It's kinda sad.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Untitled 35 Game night movies? (Film #25) 2 December 14

Game night.  Re-watched Bringing Up Baby and started The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.  That's all.  The Walking Dead is fun.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Untitled 33 (Film #24) 28 October 2014

Nothing new to report.  Snagged a few new movies at Music Millenium and one at Fred Meyer.
-High and Low, Kurosawa
-Some odd icarus films movie
-The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
-Other stuff, more to talk about later.

Back to work :D

Monday, October 27, 2014

Untitled 32 (ALATWA #30) 27 October 2014

It's been a crazy week!  I quit a band.  I had a huge argument with my schizophrenic room/bandmate.  rough.  Also had a date flake on me on Saturday.  Shitty.  Sick of shitty dates.

I can't reiterate how much I hate this town and the lack of opportunity, but it's ok, because I'm definitely needing to work on things, and that's the plan.

1. Get pharmacy tech app done and mailed out.
2. Prepare for living on my own

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Untitled 30 (Saturday Life #28) 25 October 2014

Me: Hey dude.. were you not into my vocal ideas? N_ said he felt like my ego was getting in the way or something.. we had a pretty gnarly argument last night.. so I was just curious. I hope you know that you can tell me 3:48 PM
J_: Yeah i kinda felt a little stepped on in some areas 5:04 PM
Me: Oh sorry dude. I wish you mentioned it to me. I don't really like hearing about it from another source :) 5:23 PM
J_: Well... Thats not what happened. I didnt go bitch to n_ about it behind your back man. 5:28 PM
Me: Well N_ mentioned it and I just wish you would have brought it up to me. 5:29 PM
J_: N_ brought it up because thats the way he felt. He talked to me about it and i agreed. He basically talked to you about it before i could. 5:32 PM
Me: Oh, gotcha. I just wish you could have brought it up when it happened. It makes it seem like it's something that's been building up for a while. Like maybe you didn't want me in the band or something? 5:36 PM
J_: (1/4) Its not that. Its just like i dont feel like you take my critisism very well. I get a very passive agressive vibe after trying to say something like "i 5:50 PM
J_: (2/4) dislike that vocal line or that bass line" there have been times in the past were i will finally say something and then later on in the practice i will 5:50 PM
J_: (3/4) ask you to do some "oohs" and then when we go to play it you like will start these "ahs" and sometimes i really cant tell if its just a mistake or if 5:50 PM
J_: (4/4) your doing it on purpose... Same goes with some bass critiqing iv said in the past. 5:50 PM
Me: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, but I don't really hear the parts you want me to do, I hear the parts I want to do. That's just how I approach music making. I'll take advice, but I'm not sure any of it fits. Like in the songs you've already written, I'd like to add my part and make it a song we've written. I understand if you don't like that, definitely, but that's my approach to being in a band with original music. 5:55 PM
Me: It's like a painting with three painters.. if you're telling me what to paint, I don't want to be involved, you know? 5:56 PM
Me: I'm sorry I've never brought this up, but that's how I feel. I guess I was being a bit passive in that I didn't bring it up to you, but I swear I wasn't trying to sabotage songs or anything.. I'm just trying to find my part, and I part I like. 5:59 PM
J_: (1/2) Well i enjoy most of your style, and i agree with your approach, but i dont always like your ideas. In terms of painting, say im trying to paint a snowy 6:00 PM
J_: (2/2) day and you start painting a sun or a dry palm tree. You know what i mean? 6:00 PM
Me: For sure.. So in the ideal band you come up with a snowy palm tree :) Or something like that.. All of my ideas are open to opinion, and I'm willing to try your ideas more if you are more insistent about it, but ultimately if I'm not liking something, I can't get behind it. But please, we should definitely talk about it as it's happening. Be more open to discussing it during practice, etc. Spend time talking about it and stuff. 6:04 PM
Me: We all come from such different places musically that it's going to take work to make us all happy. Definitely. I'm willing to work on it for sure. 6:05 PM
J_: (1/3) Dude it doesnt take that much work to make n_ and i happy. And no my ideal band is not were i create the entire picture myself. Its all about 6:14 PM
J_: (2/3) supporting the music and loving it as an art. Playing music together shouldnt take more work than it already has. It should be more free flowing, i dont 6:14 PM
J_: (3/3) wanna take a week to complete one song because everybodys ideas just keep clashing. 6:14 PM
Me: Alright. Well I think I'll quit then. I love you, I hope we can stay friends, but I think we have fundamental differences in music philosophy. 6:22 PM
J_: Ok man well it is up to you. I def want to stay friends. I love you too man 6:24 PM
Me: Yeah, I think it's for the best. :) 6:25 PM
J_: I agree. Honestly i feel like your more of an axe guy. I see you being the guitarist for more of a wilhem scream type band 6:27 PM
Me: Hopefully one day! Haha 6:28 PM
J_: I will stage dive at all your shows 6:29 PM
Me: :) 6:33 PM
J_: I hope i didnt make any hard feeling s 6:43 PM
Me: No dude, all is well :) 6:48 PM
J_: Ok cool 6:49 PM

No, no hard feelings.  Don't you think I'd stay in the band and be your sycophant if I wasn't prepared for the post-Fizzgig life? :)  No offense man, but your style and philosophy on music is haggard.

Oh yeah, so I quit a band :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Untitled 29 (Film #23) 21 October 2014

It'd been a Downton kind of week, with some sheer brilliance,

The Last Films I've Seen
1. "4.3," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 3, 2014, Morshead. 10.0.
The best television episode I've seen in a while, even beating this year's season premiere of The Walking Dead.
2. "4.4," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 4, 2014, Morshead, 8.8
3. "4.5," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 5, 2014, John, 9.5/10.
4. "4.6," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 6, 2014, John, 9.6/10.
5. "4.7," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 7, 2014, Hall, 8.8/10.
6. "4.8," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 8, 2014, Hall, 7.2/10.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Untitled 28 (ALATWA #29) 20 October 2014

Last night's The Walking Dead was a bit of a letdown, but it as still nice.

Kelso theater pub, their BBQ Chicken pizza, two snuck in bottles of Elysian Pumpkin Ale, and some friends made for a good time.  You can count on that again on Sunday.

Also, band practice tonight with Fizzgig, I do believe, followed by game night Tuesday, and a book talk on Wednesday at Powell's.  Started talking to Samantha again as well, which is nice.  :)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Untitled 27 (A Look at the Weekend #23) 14 October 2014

It's going to be fun!  Tomorrow night will be band practice, most likely.

Frday night, under the covers band practice will happen.

Saturday we'll head to Portland and I'll go to goodwillbooks, then Music Millenium, then a drum shop for Nate.  Might meet a friend there as well, but we'll see.  Jamming with Derek and considering starting a new band after that. :)  Danny Hoover (ex Countdown to Life) may join us? :)

Sunday perhaps band practice with Fizzgig.

Lots of music!  And fun.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Untitled 26 (Film #22) 14 October 2014

Good movies of late:  Not much, been hiding out in my room.  All about PS3 games.  Beat Diablo 3 and The Last of Us recently.  Fucking around on GTA4 now.

Tried to have Nate watch No Country For Old Men the other day.. that didn't work so well.  He wasn't paying attention.  It's hard to get him to focus on good and interesting things, so there's no point in it.

Sometimes he just won't shut up.  He blabs on and on about jazz, he lets his dog run wild, he makes weird statements about getting a job or going to school (while doing nothing) and he is just a jerk sometimes.

The Last Films I've Seen
1. "4.1," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 1, 2014, Evans. 8.6/10.
It's been a while so I had to sort of re-warm to this series with this episode, but in typical fashion, it becomes more engrossingly authentic as it floats by.  Quality programming.
 2. "No Sanctuary," The Walking Dead, Season 5, Episode 1, 2014, Nicotero, 9.6/10.
Yeah, it's pretty good.
3. "4.2," Downton Abbey, Season 4, Episode 2, 2014, Evans, 7.5/10.
The show, as it is wont to do at times, falls into the realm of historical gossip.  Still a great show, but it tends to do this at times, which keeps it from being a GREAT show.  I've demoted it to 9/10.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Untitled 25 (ALATWA #28) 13 October 2014

Last night, watching The Walking Dead was fun, at the Kelso Theater Pub.  First thing I've watched on the big screen in quite some time.

Band practice tonight.

Game night Tuesday.

No other big plans except Ducks Saturday and Seahawks Sunday.  Both on TV.

The Walking Dead Sunday at Kelso Theater Pub.

I want to practice music every day this week.

I want to write in my blog every day this week as well.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Untitled 24 (Friday Life #25) 10 October 2014

I'm writing this blog post at work, unbeknownst to my co-workers (or so it seems?).  I wish I had a job where this wasn't something I had to hide.

That's the only nugget I have to share for now.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Untitled 23 (Film #21) 7 October 2014

Life is an odd one.  Consciousness is so very strange.

Talking to my roommate last night about life.  He's schizophrenic and says some really odd shit.  He's talked to Satan (he saw glowing red eyes outdoors in the woods when he called out to him).  I dunno... most musicians are pretty fucked up I guess, but dude, this is a whole 'nother level!

It's just a weird situation.

Here's what needs to happen in my life:
Eat right.
Curtail spending.
Save money.
Get Pharmacy tech license.
Research inpatient pharmacy tech requirements.

I'm such a bad narcissist!  I think Southern Baptism allows for that pretty readily.  We all think we're doing the world a service, but in reality we're fucking up things irreparably.

Good movies of late:  Not much, been hiding out in my room.  All about PS3

Monday, October 6, 2014

Untitled 22 (ALATWA #28) 6 October 2014

This week should be pretty interesting, and it starts tonight..  Seahawks are playing MNF against the Redskins.  Two teams drawing on a lot of Native American history/art will be playing the 2014 Native Bowl.

Game night on Tuesday!

Perhaps band practice during the week with Fizzgig.  Also with Under the Covers.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Untitled 21 - Sexual Orientation (Friday Life #25) 14 October 2014

Certain segments of society have changed their position or attitude toward sexual orientation, and certain are remaining the same or getting worse.  Whereas being closeted was the norm in the entertainment industries of the early 1900s to the 1950s-1970s and even later in certain sectors of entertainment, more and more high profile celebrities are coming out and leading their lives openly and freely.  Progress is certainly slow.  For every Ellen Degeneres, there is a Matthew Shepherd, for every Barney Frank, there is Harvey Milk.  For every ACLU, there is a Westboro Baptist Church.  Athletes in the large professional sports of the US (Michael Sam, football & Jason Collins, basketball) are finding it more and more acceptable to express their sexuality in a public court, but just as there is resistance to the acceptance of these things, there is a sort of reverse blowback, where – when these players don’t make the presumably (and most likely truthfully) sports-based cut – gay activists and typically more reasonably-minded progressives get frustrated at a system that they see as prejudiced.  It’s frustrating to that segment of society because they actually have been spurned for years, the “don’t ask-don’t tell” mentality as norm has a huge history in our “freedom for all, but not necessarily for you” cultural consciousness. 
            We evolved as a type of bipolar ape, so it makes sense that our society would have a bit of contradiction built in, and it does.  The march of progress (culturally, not biologically – where "progress" is a bit of a misnomer) is brutally slow for those being perpetually swept under the rug and sometimes literally stomped upon.  Things are changing, but again, for every Frank Ocean, there is a trove of multi-genre hip-hop that still says “fag” this and “fag” that.”  Across the board there is resistance to change and a push for it, and no matter which side you’re on, there isn't an easy solution.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Untitled 20 (ALATWA #27) 29 September 2014

Here we are again.  Another week.  Things seem good though.  We've got upcoming fun.  Board game night on Tuesday, going to see John Darnielle speak on Wednesday.. lots of typing and chatting until then.  Fun times.

Getting close to my first 100 post year, and If I focus, I could still hit nearly 200.  I've gotta do this for me!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Untitled 19 (A Look at the Weekend #22) 18 September 2014

Been at for about two months now.  I really like it.  Also living with Nathan, which is tough at times but it's really good for both of us overall.

The untitled series will continue until January 1st or so, when I finally have an apartment to call my own and a home for my awesome cat.

Gonna keep working towards my pharmacy tech license and a nice jobbie job and such.. Looking forward to it.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Untitled 18 (A Look at the Weekend #21) 24 July 2014

The "Untitled Post Series" continues today.  This weekend will involve band practices and other fun things like making sure I'm ready for work for the coming weeks.  I've already gotten a raise to $12 which is awesome.  Things are totally going in the right direction.  I started talking to Marie a couple of days back and I owe her a pretty hefty chunk of money, which is the same with everyone it seems.  So this is all about saving and paying people back.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Untitled 17 (Music #21) 23 July 2014

First day on new job was good.  Interesting company, very interested in reading about all of the supplements and learning more as I go along.  Lots of music to write about as well.  I got a Saor shirt in the mail, I've order Deafheaven sweater, shirt and LP and finally ordered last year's fave, "Partycrasher."  Go me.  Lots of listening.  Can't quite wrap my head around Hundred Waters, I'm playing in two bands and we have a show in like 1 week.  Holy crap!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Untitled 16 (ALATWA #25) 21 July 2014

I'm jamming for the second time with Nate Gehrman.  Joined a punk band yesterday.  Things are looking up.  I think I'll actually try and write about film and music this week.  :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Untitled 15 (Friday Life #24) 18 July 2014

Gotta make a return at Lowe's, pick up a receipt at Home Depot, and go deposit money in my bank account at shared branching in Rainier.

Busy.  Hopefully I'll write tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll also have a job? :)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Untitled 14 (Saturday Life #27) 15 July 2014

Past the record on posts for the year.  Impressed with myself in all honesty. Surpassing my previous best in a year where I've spent nearly 2 months homeless and had no computer to call my own.  

Up at my dad's, working.  Weird arrangement since Ada still hates me.  I feel as if I continue to vacillate between severe anger and frustration with my family and a type of Stockholm Syndrome, where I love them despite the shit that they've put me through.  

I need a middle way.  

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Untitled 11 (Weekend Review #22) 29 June 2014

I'm one post away from my yearly record, not nearly where I'd like to be in comparison to my friend.

Still, I'm pleased.  This was the most difficult year I've probably ever endured, or at least in quite sometime, and yet I've been productive in ways that I want to be.  I'm glad of that.  Now back to listening to anything and everything I can get my hands/ears on.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Untitled 10 (Saturday Life #25) 21 June 2014

Not much to say here.. Listening to a ton of music and loving it.  Being homeless sucks but I like being able to immerse myself in music and film.  :D

Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Untitled 7 (Friday Life #22) 23 May 2014

The end of May is upon us, and I'm still at the Community House.  I'm thinking that June may actually be the cruelest month, Thomas.

I'm still working through Neanderthal Man.  Not much to say about life at this point.  Back to work.  :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Untitled 6 (A Look At The Weekend #20) 22 May 2014

Time to start digging.  I gotta get a job and do something with my life!  Haha.  Still reading Svante Paabo's "Neanderthal Man" at the library and watched a bit more of Boondock Saints 2 last night.  Weird movie.  I can't hear it with the sound turned so low, so I'm not really sure what 's being said, but it has a corny ambiance that makes the "franchise" of BS actually bs.  :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Untitled 5 (Music #20) 21 May 2014

Film.  Somehow I wrote about it yesterday.  My stepmom can't handle me working for my dad, so I won't be going up there anymore.  Fucking bitch.  Anxiety attacks.  Just like Julia.  I hate them both.  Leechy fuckers.  But so is my brother, so it serves him right.

Now my mom is mad that I don't say goodnight when I leave her house.  My stepdad is mad about it too.  Well fuck them both.  Jesus.  I have to be nice to the people that are kicking me as my teeth are being kicked in.

She says that I left her in a shitty state, haha!  Yes, I'm sorry I didn't clean up as I was moving into the homeless shelter.  Idiot.  Bide your time.  Wait until you can make it count.

Then fucking cut all ties.  They can rot.  I can't believe how much bullshit I deal with on a daily basis from these god-damned genes!!

Apparently I've angered my stepdad too, so much so that he thinks I'm rude.  He's the one who calls people assholes and idiots to their face and he thinks other people are rude??  Fucking dumb fuck.

How do I extricate myself from my poisoned family??

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Untitled 4 (Film #20) 20 May 2014

Film. I've watched parts of Hall Pass (a terrible movie I've already seen before - Jason Sudaikis is the epitome of average), all of Ted (I really liked it), some bad Sci-fi with The Rock and bits and pieces of other movies since I've lived in the nuthouse. Most are really bad. I spent like 9 hours at my mom's today sleeping and playing MTG! What a waste, but seriously, I feel I have nothing to really try for at this point. I mean, I'm hoping I realize how I need to get a job and an apartment, but I've spent the last week with my pharmacy tech app for Washington complete and done nothing about it. Oh well.

I told my brother not to visit me at this place again and he decided to get indignant about it. How can I blame him? Righteous indignation runs in the family.

The only statement I can make here is that you can shit on me all you want and I'll keep winning. God, I sound like Charlie Sheen. I've listened to most of the new Agalloch, "The Serpent & The Sphere," and I must say, it's very good.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Louisiana St,Longview,United States

Monday, May 19, 2014

Untitled 3 (Weekend Review #21) 18 May 2014

Do I want to find a job?  Or do I just want to get out of my mom's house and never see her again?  Will I lost my cat?  WTF.  I just know I can't stand her or my brother.  My dad is kinda cool because he at least has helped me a ton and continues to give me work.  I want to cut ties.

I need to tell my brother not to come here unless I ask him to.  No love for anyone right now.

Move things to dad's, move everything out of mom's.  Fuck that bitch.  Get out.  Write letters to mom and Trey.  Gooooooodbye.

Why i'm pissed at my mother and brother: It's complicated but I feel they're both responsible for my situation to a degree.

My mom because she whined to my stepdad and couldn't just tell me to stop using her phone and computer and my brother because he told me he'd help set me up in Longview if I moved back.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Untitled 2 (Saturday Life #23) 17 May 2014

"There is a deep well of sadness in me.  I fear I am moving to a dissociative state."

I wish I were more articulate.  I wish I could say more or impart how I feel more aptly.  I can't.  I just don't feel like my family deserves me, aside from my dad.

I want my mom to know how disappointing she is.  She helped me survive my life-threatening auto-immune disease and has been trying to kill me ever since.  She's so unaware of herself, of her excesses, her contradictions, her stupid actions, that she deserves nothing from me.

I like to think that my parents never worked out as a couple because they lacked a fundamental understanding of the other sex and so became caricatures of their own sex, their own selves.

My stepmom, whom I owe money to, has become a heinous bitch.  I think she may come around once I have a job and have paid her mostly back, but I don't fucking care for her at all, otherwise.  It's not that I hold grudges - I just refuse to forget how inhuman she has been to me for so long.  I can't wait to write her and my mom and maybe my stepdad letters.  And my brother.  I have given up on most people which sucks.  All because of my family.

I'd like to go to grad school in evolutionary psychology at UCSB and I really need to lay the foundation.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Untitled (Friday Life #21) 16 May 2014

Tonight will be the fourth night I stay at The Community House.  Without them, I'd be homeless.  My mother kicked me out of her house because she saw sexual text messages I'd sent to someone.  I had just spent 2 weeks busting my ass for her at the barn and I forgot to close the website.  It sucks bad.  I know I've been lazy and poorly organized at times in my life.  Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  That would be my biggest flaw.  Confusing intention with action.

I mean, despite the fact that I'm an atheist and think that most people act from a mostly selfish drive, I do believe that good intentions CAN lead to good action, altruistic action. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday (A Look At The Weekend #20) 15 May 2014

Time to move on up.  I've busted my ass for two days at my dad's house and tomorrow I will be looking for a job quite heavily.  It should get interesting :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chromeo Wednesday (Music #19) 14 May 2014

Sleeping at the homeless shelter wasn't too bad.  :)  Ummm.. now I have to do night #2.
Listening to the new Chromeo album.  It's ok so far :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Inhale New Life (Film #19) 13 May 2014

I've seen a lot of movies lately.  But I'm homeless now so I won't be able to write about them very well, for the time being :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

I'm Back in the Saddle Again (I mean that as non-sexually as possible) (ALATWA #23) 12 May 2014

It's been a busy few weeks of weird occurrences, no computer, helping my mom after surgery, and various other great reasons to not blog.  I feel I've been successfully in my slackerism.  Time to get back to it.

So basically there isn't much going on this week.  I need to keep researching methods for rehabilitating my student loans.  Jobs at LCC and the LPL.  Resumes/Applications need to be submitted.  Need to send in my Washington State Pharmacy Tech Application as well.  That's about it.  And write.  And read.  And exercise.  And play guitar.  Simple enough, right?  Back to work at my dad's tomorrow too, which is kind of cool.


Not Suki Jones.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Moving Right Along (Weekend Review #20) 13 April 2014

Still recovering psychologically from my aneurysm of sorts, I really just relaxed.  Last days of the 2013-14 season for NBA.  Not sure what else to say :)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Easy Like a Saturday Morning (Saturday Life #22) 12 April 2014

Heading back up to my dad's after nearly two weeks off.  Busy busy.

A bucket of Starbucks vanilla latte in tow.  Good times.  Not much to say.  Still not getting much time to write and using most of my free computer time to text :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Library Action (Friday Life #20) 11 April 2014

Despite missing a few posts via film and movies stuff, I'm well on my pace to exceed any year of posting thus far.  So far my record was 89 in 2011 and this will be #70 of 2014, not even midway through the fourth month.  So what does this mean?  Well in the grand scheme of things, absolutely nothing (don't say that, you never know what the butterfly effect will ripple or spiral out toward), but certainly in the grand scheme of Cody, it means a lot.  I'm really trying to be productive.  Every day!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Watching Movies, Hopefully Repairing (A Look at the Weekend #19) 10 April 2014

I put a lot on a girl that I recently met and I feel terrible.  Partially because I'm a headcase and shouldn't do that to anybody, but partially because I thought there could be something genuine there.  Hopefully it's still a possibility.  I'm super stressed right now.  I'm supposed to be at my dad's working, but he's given me a time limit, and that has just paralyzed me.  Then you couple that with the frustrations of living at home with two people who are horrible at expressing themselves, I just wanna lock myself in the basement.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Busy-ish (ALATWA #21) 7 April 2014

I hope to resurrect my other writing, as I've been doing nothing but True Detective of late.  :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Getting Behind (Saturday Life #21) 5 April 2014

I never know when to quit.  I can't research everything and put it together and expect to keep on, because I keep losing days that way.  At a certain point, I've gotta just be happy that I wrote that day.

Friday, April 4, 2014

More Timelines (Friday Life #19) 4 April 2014

My first quarter at the U of O, I took Intro to Archaeology, Spanish 101, and other classes.  I hope I can find some sort of transcript somewhere.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Approaching Solitude (A Look at the Weekend #18) 3 April 2014

Job searching, and facing no longer living with mom and stepdad.  I'm going to miss having people around.

More resumes, more online apps, more working for dad, more of all of it.  Less sanity by nature, but I've gotta fight to have more.  Scheduling, discipline, both very important aspects of my life.  Gotta get up at 6am and live "one day as a lion."  Gotta watch movies, practice guitar and keep pushing the envelope of my life.  End the slop, live with purpose, and keep pushing.

"This is for the hearts still beating."  Thanks Jake, I needed that.

I'm done with 5 of 7 of the training, hoping to finish the rest tonight.  Probably head to dad's to work some and make some money.  Keep checking on interesting things about Unemployment insurance, etc.

I hope to say that I've exercised in 2 of the 3 following days.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Wooooo (ALATWA #20) 31 March 2014

First and foremost, I'm doing training for Washington Pharmacy Law on youtube.  Mom and dad helped me pay for it and now I'm doing it.  It's painful, no doubt.

Here it is:

Next, I need to catch up on my writing!  I've taken a ton of notes about True Detective, but I've yet to publish last week's paper or this week's paper.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Oh Lost Weekend! (Weekend Review #18) 30 March 2014

Still writing, still growing.  Busy trips to Eugene and back.  Heading back tomorrow.  Ugh.  I'm so tired after yesterday!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A Timeline through 2006 (Saturday Life #20) 29 March 2014

I moved to Eugene in 2005.  I just moved home in 2014.

Key moments in my life in that time.

Started working pharmacy with Vestalee.  Met Loren.  Played a lot of basketball and video games and worked a ton.  Tried to meet new people, ladies, etc.  Played a show in Eugene at the Law Center old building with a few bands.  Played a show in Springfield at the skate park.

Remembering who I am.

Band dissolves amid difficulty practicing.

Met Olivia early February 2006.  Started dating.

May 2006.  Sasquatch.

Start University of Oregon in fall quarter.

Break up with Olivia on October 15th.  First time acknowledging that the end of October gets really cold in the Pacific Northwest.

Shattered, I begin to seek attention from the ladies just about anywhere.

Friday, March 28, 2014

My Friend Jenny (Friday Life #18) 28 March 2014

"Tell me thy company and I'll tell thou what thou art." - Cervantes

Aye, I'm not worthy of some of the incredible people I've come across in my life.  Jenny is one of them.  I first met her when she was a GTF (graduate teaching fellow) for my Nordic Film class.  A crush developed and she agreed to meet up.  We had some really good conversations.  We kissed once.

I've been friends with her a long time now.  2008 I believe.  I need to make a timeline.  In fact, that will be Saturday Life tomorrow.  A timeline of my life.  More on all of this later.

Jenny, you're a great friend.  Love you lots!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

More Eugene! And stuff :) (A Look at the Weekend #17) 28 March 2014

Back to Eugene either Friday (if I'm staying at Jenny's and able to go to trivia) or Saturday.  Getting Vestalee to sign off on my training.  Reading, writing, arithmetic.  Good times.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Unleashing the Agony: Film as Text in "True Detective" (Film #18) 25 March 2014

Unleashing the Agony: Film as Text in "True Detective"*

"Song that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard
In dim Carcosa."
Robert W. Chambers, The King in Yellow

"From the dusty mesa,
a looming shadow grows,
hidden in the branches,
of the poisoned tree of souls."
The Handsome Family, 'Far From Any Road'

So goes the opening credits song to True Detective, a series which is a good deal more visceral than the horror novel of late 19th century origin that this brilliant new show draws much inspiration from.  From Poe to Bierce, on downward through Chambers and then finding it's apotheosis in the godfather of modern horror, H.P. Lovecraft, we have a rich history of literature absorbed through the medium of Gothic fiction found here.   It's odd to open an essay with two quotes, but this show has so much literary depth that you'll  find that it's easy to do so, and two quotes may simply not suffice.  We'll be comparing the first episodes - 1 through 3 specifically - to literature in the coming paragraphs this week.  Once we understand the literature this show draws upon and understand bits of it textually, we will follow with two more vantage points; This show is far from just an audio book.  To analyze it solely as literature is to let down the glorious vision that Nic Pizzolatto set out to point us toward.

Evolution plays heavily in this show.  We will see it from an evolutionary psychology standpoint, of course, but we must also discuss it from the point of view of evolved humans ensconced within a modern framework of culture and politics.  We have great conversations between an atheist and a Christian, which in their simplicity echo through history, containing those ideas that have kept these two camps (rightfully so, I might add) at odds with each other.  We have adultery, murder, serial murder, evolutionary awareness, cynicism, lust, redemption, justice and so many other juicy tidbits that have played a huge role in our evolutionary past, do so in our evolutionary present, and will do so in our evolutionary future.  We will consider altruism and the artist, how religion plays into this, and how it may be the only thing that can save us.  With the middle of the series - episodes 4-5 - covered, still there is more.

Finally, we must level the lens of humanism at this show.  Here we blend everything we know so far to try and understand what can be said and what must be done as a result of insights gained.  The final three episodes arrive in the present, after the first 5 having various flashbacks and only interviews in present day, and it makes sense to use this turning point in the show to consider the present day situations this show touches upon, and there are many.

So what is literature?  More importantly, why do writers write?  Sure, each writer probably has a slightly different story, but perhaps we can draw some rough generalizations.  Evolutionary psychology has argued that much art is done for the sake of gaining status and wealth, which allow us to have, in theory, a better genetic fitness (Dissayanake, Pinker)  Certainly this is true of much writing.  Romance novelists may not have a lot of status as compared to your typical artist or writer, though humorously they may not lose a lot of it either, as they write under pen names much of the time.  They certainly gain wealth.  Stories told in past societies helped us live within the mores of the society, and learn those very ideas, but they probably conferred a high status upon those who memorized them and told them best.  Rather than stick to the byline here, I'd argue that certain writers, in modern societies, and perhaps all of them to a smaller degree, write with an altruistic reason at heart.

Art is one of the few ways to express something I'd call pure altruism.  More on this later, but let's get a tiny bit more perspective on writing.  Maya Angelou has stated, "There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you."  Aye, this suggests that there is a sort of catharsis in storytelling.  Perhaps in modern society, the artist is more sensitive, and thus holds on to pain and love and other emotions longer and more intensely than those who don't feel this need to "express."  Certainly much criticism of art has taken this vantage point.  Is the idealist just projecting their lack of genetic fitness, or is there a real desire to change things there?
"I believe one writes because one has to create a world in which one can live," writes Anais Nin.  "I could not live in any of the worlds offered to me--the world of my parents, the world of war, the world of politics."  Certainly there's a good deal of selfishness evinced in just these words, but there's a genuine selflessness as well.  There's a destructive capability that isn't explainable in purely selfish terms.  Perhaps these women have a more feminine approach to literature, something which allows their altruism to more easily come to the surface.  Perhaps they've evolved this way, as the caregivers of the young.

Let's discuss a brief outline of the first episodes of the series.

EP1: "The Long Bright Dark"
In episode one of True Detective, we meet the cast.  Marty Hart is a family man, married, two daughters.  A policeman who hasn't been a detective in Louisiana long, Rust Cohle, is his new partner, a seemingly jaded, obviously atheist character, a wild card who we can't really figure out right away.  The series hinges around a bizarre case where a girl is tattooed in the shape of a swirl on her back, molested, stabbed, and tied naked to a tree.  It's not for the faint of heart.  Strangely, a crown of deer horns is placed on her head, and hanging from the tree and around other areas of the scene are wooden sculptures, initially indecipherable, but clearly a part of the scene and intentionally.  Rust takes immediate interest, scribbling notes in his journal pad which earn him the nickname, "The Taxman" amongst his coworkers.  Marty does as well, and we're not really sure if it's a magnetic attraction to Rust or an interest in the bizarre, but it's probably a bit of both.  The die is cast.

An awkward dinner invite and an even more awkward acceptance and attendance ensues.  We first learn of Rustin's background here, a bit, as most men, according to Marty, don't talk about their personal lives at work.  Funny enough, it's him who first brings up personal things, after witnessing the horrific crime scene.  "Ask you something.  You're Christian, yeah?"  Pause.  "No."  What ensues is the most gleefully uncomfortable discussion between the two.  Rustin is clearly an atheist and he has a lot to say about it.  Marty is freaked out by the crime, and now being paired with a heathen.  Back to working the case, we learn more sordid things about Rust and we get new evidence and eerie elements as the two detectives seem to have stumbled onto a serial murderer.

Most importantly, and I've left it til last because it add another entire dimension to the proceedings, we are told the story by the two detectives 17 years after the case, by way of flashback.  Why the interviews?  What has happened?  Well apparently there is another murder, we learn that supposedly the killer was caught in 95 and the new detectives interviewing Cohle and Hart want to know why it's still happening.  "How indeed detectives?" Asks Cohle.  He knows something.

EP2: "Seeing Things"
In episode 2, following up on the case, the victim found first (Dora Kelly Lange) is where they start.  Her mother reveals she was religious.  Backwards, Southern Baptist deep south swamp religious, to be sure.  It's fitting to mention, considering my own struggles, that she says the Ave Maria to mitigate her migraines.  More friend interviews, more details of Hart's life told to the detectives.  More interesting car rides with incredible dialogue.  They found out where Dora was staying, a trailer park whorehouse and find people to question there.  She left behind a bag with a diary.  "The king's children were marked.  They became his angels."  A scribbled, hasty view of her diary shows in bold, "The Yellow King." Here we get a first mention of "Carcosa," and a most literate back story.  They talk about the killer perhaps drugging his victims, slowly upping the dose to drive them crazy and draw them deeper into a fantasy he's creating.  Cohle tells the detectives some of his own insane history and we see some of the visual hallucinations .  He quotes Corinthians obliquely to explain his desire to work homicide.  We get an interview with Dora's ex, belying more religious aspirations and weirdness.  "The King in Yellow" was one thing she talked about with him.  He thought she was crazy.

Marty and his wife visit her parents.  There is some strange conversation here, and we see more and more development of these characters.  "You know, throughout time, every old man has probably said the same thing.  Old men die, and the world keeps spinning."  Marty says to the same thing, after a conservative rant about the state of the world today. We just know that all is not right.  Episode 2 also introduces Marty as an adulterer.  It's a common thing, so why does it matter so much in so many fictions?  Well, at least in this series, it provides a glimpse into Marty's mind and reality.  A cousin of the Senator Tuttle stops by the precinct to talk about a task force they're creating to investigate "anti-Christian" crime.  Rust can't believe it and voices his frustrations about it.  It creates tension between everyone in the station. "It's a political circle-jerk," he tells the chief, laughing.  Nobody else (except the enlightened viewer) finds the humor in this.  Rust scolds his coworker for hitting the bars instead of witnesses and there's a clear rift between him and his more casual fellow police.  This is life or death for Rust, a drive to do what is right and to pull the blinders off the windows, and let the sunlight spill in.  He's doing it as much for himself as for those he's trying to help.  "Our bosses don't want you at all."  There's a bigger thing at work here.  Marty seems to plead to do the case as much for his respect of Rust as his desire to do this.  But he's not beholden to any interests other than his own, so at least he can be trusted.

In the present day again, we hear that there was a "throwdown" in the jungle back then.  Something with Rust and Marty and taking place in the jungle.  Foreshadowing.  Taking a drive out to a place advertised in a flyer in Dora's bag, we find a burned out old church in the middle of nowhere.  The birds form the symbol drawn on the back of Dora as they take off in the distance.  Mildewed swamp, the church opens to rafters with wholes and jagged lines.  It's quite beautiful really.  Rust pulls aside some hanging swamp vines to a drawing of a woman with antlers on her head.  They were here.

EP3: "The Locked Room"
And now we arrive at episode 3.  Heading to a tent revival of "Friends of Christ," the detectives interview the pastor and a mentally troubled "suspect," and we don't get much out of it.  More sparkling dialogue.  Rust is down on religion and has a pessimistic view of common good.  We learn about Tuttle as a pastor starting a school outreach program for small communities and that Friends of Christ was part of the church end of it.

Marty thinks that Rust has myopia: "Tunnel vision.  [Your] Vision skews, twists evidence.  You're obsessive" Rust turns it back on Marty and Marty denies it.  Rust ends it with a brilliant summary, though in his usually combative way: "People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time."  Home life is fractured for Marty, and it comes to a bit of a head when Marty arrives home and Rust has used the mower he borrowed from Marty to mow Marty's lawn.  He's frustrated and tells Rust never to do it again, a clear sign of his insecurity about the state of his family life.  He's not acting like he should.  Further evidence is it's playing out in his youngdaughter's overly sexualized drawings.  Rust shows us his great skills in the discussion room with suspects.  "You just look them in the eyes.  The whole story's up there... You gotta be honest about what can go on up here," tapping his temple with a knife he's carving beer can people dolls with,"a locked room..."  We'll talk more about the locked room when we discuss the evolutionary aspects of this series.  Suffice it to say, the literary aspects continue to darken.

An insomniac who'd later asked for barbituates from a hooker he thought could help him with the case, Rust decides to do a ton of after hours work on old cases he thinks may be related.  More great dialogue about life and death.  He goes on a double date with Marty and his wife, Maggie.  He still won't drink beer, but he does dance.  Marty runs into his current affair, who is out on a date with another man.  Marty finds out she's over him and he can't handle it.  He gets a couple of drinks and keeps going.  He shows up at her house later and breaks down doors and fights with the guy who he's been replaced with.  We get a good conversation between Maggie and Rust, who have a strange friendship/acquaintance throughout the series.  Getting back to work, Marty is met by Rust who has found "another one."  On their way to look into it they have another great conversation.  The victim's dad tells the detectives about the Ledoux family and her daughter dating one of them, Reggie Ledoux.  She had gone to "Light of Way", a charter school that the Tuttle's Wellspring ministries had started.  Her dad had kept a box of her stuff and reminded Marty of Rust, keeping "his eyes on the crabtraps."  They arrive at the school but Rust doesn't go in because he's called back to the car by Marty.  Marty found out something on his CB.  Ledoux info has come back so they're off on another chase. He spoke to the lawnmower at the school before he went back to the car.  It's too bad he didn't ask more questions.

Back to present day. "And now they saw how easy it was to just let go.. and in that last instant an unmistakable relief, see, because they were afraid and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just let go, and they saw-- in that last nanosecond, they saw what they were, that you, yourself, this whole big drama, it was never anything but a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will and you could just let go.  Finally now that you didn't have to hold on so tight, to realize that all your life-- you know, all your love, all your hate, all your memory, all your pain, it was all the same thing.  It was all the same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a person.  And like a lot of dreams, there's a monster at the end of it."

This series has more monsters than just Reggie Ledoux, but let's stop and consider for a moment these concepts of a "monster" and where and how they tie in with this series.  Though germinated in 1764 by Horace Walpole, the horror story worked its way down to Poe, eventually, who was a huge influence on Ambrose Bierce.  "Can Such Things Be?" is a collection of short stories by Bierce in which he mentions Carcosa in one of his short stories, "An Inhabitant of Carcosa." (1886)  9 years later, Robert W. Chambers published "The King in Yellow," the first four stories of which involve Carcosa, borrowing also from another of Bierce's short stories to add to the lore of Carcosa.  This netherworld out of place and time became a huge inspiration for H.P. Lovecraft and a direct inspiration for his Cthulu stories.

Bierce himself, good ole Bitter Bierce, was an atheist of the highest regard.  In an introduction to "The Collected Writings of Ambrose Bierce," Fadiman expounds upon how important Bierce is to the negative worldviews of today, how perfect he heralds the coming of the Nuclear age.  "Indeed, the whole conduct of civilized man since Bierce's presumed death in 1914 is happily calculated to confirm his misanthropy.  Lidice, Belsen, Dachau, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Bikini - all would have afforded him a satisfaction deeper and more bitter than that which he drew from the relatively paltry horrors of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries."

Marty: "What do you got the cross for in your apartment?"  Coehle speaks of his atheism. "It's a form of meditation." "How's that?"  "I contemplate the moment in the garden, the idea of allowing your own crucifixion." "But you're not a Christian.  So what do you believe?"  After a bit of sparring, we arrive at the crux.  "I think human consciousness was a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware.  Nature created an aspect of of nature separate from itself.  We are creatures that should not exist by natural law... we are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when, in fact, everybody's nobody."  Zen buddhism meets evolutionary psychology.

It's fitting that this writer would have to pen a horror story then.  So what of it?  "An Inhabitant of Carcosa," speaks of more atmospheric and morbid fantasy, really.  It doesn't strike one as horrific, at least in light of the shock-cinema and torture porn of today.  It tells the story of a man in a place he feels he knows but it is clearly alien to him.  He eventually comes to find he is dead, by stumbling across his own gravestone, from ages past.  Bierce is certainly part of the pemmican that is Rustin Cohle, bitterly cynical to their core.

Chambers adapts this tale's world, and a name from one other Bierce short story to create "The King in Yellow."  Only the first four stories deal with Carcosa, but they're decidedly more creepy.  They deal with a book, appropriately named "The King In Yellow," which figures in each of the four stories and involve the reading of the book which turns them crazy or happens around cataclysmic events of the characters' lives.  There's some atmospheric horror, couched in solid storytelling which lends credence to the depth of terrible things that happen.  Some think they're the King, or they're helping the King, or the King brings death for them or a loved one, or for the entire cosmos.

We see filmic echoes of Southern Gothic from as far back as 1941's under-appreciated Swamp Water, the opening scene of which had a zoom-out from a cross with a skull on top of it.  Jean Renoir confirms his status here of a top-flight auteur.  The language is similar as well, but of course the 70+ years of fine-tuning has added quite a polish to the genre.  They talk about killing cats and torturing them in True Detective, and in Swamp Water, the townspeople gather up kittens to put them in a bag and throw them in the swamp.  Cats aren't welcome in the South on film, and the homicidal triangle often finds one or two sides very easily.  A killer with a soft spot hides in the swamp, and overwhelms a young man looking for his lost dog.  We get an interesting picture of the south here.

Many people were satisfied, nay, ecstatic at Phil Ridley's "The Reflecting Skin," but it didn't feel quite right when I saw it a few years back.  Certainly, after "True Detective," the film genre of Southern Gothic has gotten a new rail spike and everything seems paltry in comparison  The depth and breadth of literature is mind boggling and it opens the series to a large amount of interpretations.  I'm looking forward to peeling back the skin a bit to find new growth beneath it, no matter how painful or agonizing it can be.
*This is Part 1 of a Series of Articles about Pizzolatto and Fukunaga's True Detective.
-Castle of Otranto, 1977, Svankmajer, viewable here
-The Reflecting Skin, 1990, Ridley
-Swamp Water, 1941, Renoir
-True Detective, Episodes 1-8, 2014, Fukunaga.

-Ambrose Bierce, at Wikipedia,
-Ave Maria, at Wikipedia,
-Bierce, Ambrose. 1910.  Can Such Things Be?
-"The Castle of Otranto," at Wikipedia,
-Chambers, Robert W. 1895.  The King in Yellow.
-de Waal, Franz. 2005.  Our Inner Ape.
-Dissanayake, Ellen. 1988.  What is Art For?
-Edgar Allan Poe, at Wikipedia,
-The Handsome Family, at Rateyourmusic,
-Horror Fiction, at Wikipedia,
-H.P. Lovecraft, at Wikipedia,
-Jean Renoir, at Imdb,
-Macdonald Triad (Homicidal Triad),  at Wikipedia,
-Pinker, Steven. 2009.  How the Mind Works
-Nic Pizzolatto, at Wikipedia,
-Robert W. Chambers, at Wikipedia,

-"Far From Any Road," 2003, from the album "Singing Bones" by The Handsome Family

The Last Films I've Seen
1. Devil in a Blue Dress, 1995, Franklin, 7.2/10.
Murder, pedophilia, racism in the 40s.  Contrast with Polanski's Chinatown and you get a great picture of post-depression era Los Angeles.
2. The Singing Brakeman, 1929, Smith, 9.0/10.
Actual footage of Jimmie Rodgers doing his thing.  Pretty cool.

1. "The Long Bright Dark," True Detective, Pilot, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
2. "Seeing Things," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 2, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
3. "The Locked Room," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 2, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
See review above and last week's film section.

"Unmasking Telios De Lorca"

Monday, March 24, 2014

Here We Go Again (ALATWA #19) 24 March 2014

Busy again.  Working for dad, looking for a job, writing.  That's about all I do :)  But I do need to see if I can find time to do more.  There's a limit on how many days I can work for my dad, so I've gotta bust my ass and hope to lengthen that limit.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What a weekend! (Weekend Review #17) 23 March 2014

Picked up stuff at my storage unit, found some amazing books at St Vinny's, hung out with my mom a lot, and had a great dinner with some cousins that I don't get to see often.  Well done Davis.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Family Dinner! (Saturday Life #19) 22 March 2014

Well, it was family dinner time and it was a lot of fun.  We had cousins Leigh Ann, Mike, and their spouses Linda and Pat.  It was good times.  We had Applebee's and I didn't expect it to be so good, but it was :)

Good conversation, good times.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Divey Motels (Friday Life #17) 21 March 2014

My mom hates this place we're staying in tonight.  Timbers Motel in downtown Eugene.  It's definitely kinda sketch.  It reminds me of the time I had to stay with my cat overnight in a motel, trying to figure out where I'd be living next.  Good times.  I've been kicked, driven, evicted, and grossed out of quite a few places in Eugene and I've gotta be careful not to let that happen in Longview at my mom's.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Busy Weekend Ahead (A Look at the Weekend #16) 20 March 2013

Heading to Eugene tomorrow!  Crazy stuff.  Gonna pack up most (or all) of my storage unit and take it home.  Family dinner Saturday.  Back to the grind Sunday.  Should be heading back to Lincoln City soon as well to pick up my dad's new '57 Chevy.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This is Jimmie Rodgers, Side 1 (Music #18) 19 March 2014

Today I'm going to write about an album that changed my life:
Jimmie Rodgers' "This is Jimmie Rodgers."

Every song on side 1 is interesting here.  It recalls to me the time that the big belt-buckle wearing cowboy was looking at country music records in House of Records in Eugene and saw me approach.  "You like country?" he asked.  "Johnny Cash, Jimmie Rodgers, Marty Robbins.. Mostly old stuff."  He smiled.  "You know Jimmie Rodgers?"  "I do."  He kept looking, talking.. I was wandering back and forth between sections, going between black and death metal, bizarre pop, and old country, trying to figure out where to get the best bang in used records for my $10.  Not quite enough for Nick Drake's Pink Moon, not enough for any used Ornette Coleman or Miles Davis, nothing in the world of metal (albeit a small one that HoR kept).  Back and forth, forever.  No Animal Collective that I didn't have, no M83, no Rush, no Jethro Tull that I didn't have.. Looking back, I'm proud of my weird taste.

"You got this one?"  He pulled out Never No Mo' Blues from the stacks and my jaw dropped.  I'd been searching for some Jimmie Rodgers on vinyl for quite some time.  He could tell I didn't.  He laughed.  I wish I could remember his name.  "It's yours."  I said "Thanks."  He said, "come on" and I followed him to the register.  He bought it for me!  I shook his hand and he skidaddled.  I don't believe in angels, but seriously, that was pretty amazing.

I left the store in a daze.  I did buy something with my $10 but I seriously don't remember what it was.  I will never recall either.  That was the single coolest experience I've ever had in a music store, and I've spent many hours in them.  I've seen bands play, I've gotten autographs, I've found the craziest deals you could ever imagine.  I've dug through crates and found gems, I've met some of the neatest people that work in and shop in record stores, but how many of us can say that a complete and total stranger bought them a Jimmie Rodgers record.

I'm not sure if you could pinpoint the exactly moment that country music started sucking, but I often wonder just that.  I don't really know what to say about this, except that is very stripped down music by a guy who slips into falsetto and back in a slightly ragged way.  Simple guitar lines that meander in and out of time, with strange measures that don't add up.  It's beautiful.  That's all.  More next time.

"Mule Skinner Blues" on Youtube.

-Never No Mo' Blues, 1955, Jimmie Rodgers
-Pink Moon, 1972, Nick Drake

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Stuck in the Basement (Film #17) 18 March 2014

Stuck in the Basement: An Evolutionary Reading of (Some Films by) Roman Polanski

To say that Roman Polanski is a controversial figure is not enough.  It's admitted that he had sex with a minor (most likely consensual - if a 13 year old can legally consent to something like that).  He never served any time for it.  His wife was murdered by one of the most notorious killers or those around him of all time.  Perhaps THE most known.  He's made some incredible films.  Chinatown, The Pianist, Rosemary's Baby, Knife in the Water, Carnage and Ghost Writer (that this writer has seen).  He's also made a couple of  forgettable, thought admittedly entertaining ones in The Ninth Gate and Frantic.  Bitter Moon stands between these two extremes.  It seems that a film dealing openly with sex and sexuality should pique one's mind who attempts to level the lens of evolutionary psychology at it.  As you will see, this isn't actually the case.

To admit that men are obviously attracted to young women is not enough either.  That being said, Polanski's film which deals most explicitly with sex is a mishmash of ideas and characters that shed no more light on who we really are as a group, and seems strangely ill-equipped to open the debate on niche sexual behavior as well.  Neither his case, the documentary about it, or this film shed much light on human sexual behavior, but perhaps we can glean what radiance is available and point to better examples.

Polanski's attraction to younger women shouldn't shock any of us.  His acting on it is, on the other hand, definitely disturbing.  Bitter Moon deals with a couple that act on anything they feel and a British couple that act on relatively little that they feel, presumably, until the film begins.  Polanski allows for little middle ground.  Why can't we talk about what we feel before and - at times - in place of, acting on it.  Oscar's (Peter Coyote) discussion of his current relationship's past is one way for Nigel (Hugh Grant) to live vicariously, but that isn't always enough.  Here, we see repression of feelings as something that can severely damage ourselves and those around us.

According to people who care about stardom, Polanski didn't care much about his star in Hugh Grant (I'd venture that Peter Coyote was a bit more interesting to him).  What a bizarre film!  A second viewing was necessary to piece together the ideas and guttural reactions.  Oscar needs to tell his story to someone, as perhaps his writing has never been successful enough to find the larger audience that many artists need to reach.  Polanski is jabbing at the sad state of American sexual behavior here.  Even when we find exactly what we want, in a young, beautiful, open-minded woman, we must prod more and more.  Polanski is saying we're fools to go as far as Oscar, and yet Polanski himself has been sensationalized in the press, and his sexual life too is not enough.  The bloody ending hints at a possible future for himself and his wife?

Sadly, the documentary about Polanski's action and its resulting consequences could have been taken from a more historical perspective; we can't yet hope for all documentaries to include an evolutionary approach.  Do those with power, fame, etc often find ways of avoiding punishment after statutory rape?  It's easy to see that they have access to this act more readily, but who is to say about the punishment avoidance?  If we feel the power dynamic and see it objectively in our own society, it seems to be a fairly obvious conclusion.  This most certainly makes none of his actions around this particular case alright.  Here, we probably have a lot of "similarity" in mate selection a relatively low concern for the pursuer; Polanski is "smart" enough to feel slight tug from many social mores.

The film explores faux-bestiality, urolagnia, other salirophilia, and other less bizarre sexual fetishes; Polanski himself explored others.  Men and women seek dominance over one another and other things.  They experience pleasure in "conquering" their EEAs.  The key here is melding this with a socially aware sense of fairness.  If what we're doing harms no one else, and they consent to it, there should be no reason why any sane human could oppose it.  Of course, at what point are we able to consent?  How old must we be to say "yes" or "no"?  These are questions that evolutionary psychology and a study of evolution can't answer; indeed they may point at best to a different time and a different stage of what we are now.  The answers can't be the same in both places until we've dissected the differences.

What Roman Polanski did to the 13 year old girl will always be wrong to this writer.  They will always mar his oeuvre.  Here, we can look back at a different time and stage and proffer an answer.  Ultimately, we have the choice and free will of consciousness.  We can choose to attempt to have sex with minors.  We can murder.  We can do any number of other things that were necessities in the past, thousands of years ago before we set up a scaffolding to build ourselves to more enlightened vantage points.  We can also say no, flip on the light switch, and slog our Sisyphean way out of the basement.

Bitter Moon, 1992, Polanski
Carnage, 2011, Polanski
Chinatown, 1974, Polanski
Frantic, 1988, Polanski
Ghost Writer, 2010, Polanski
Knife in the Water, 1962, Polanski
The Ninth Gate, 1999, Polanski
The Pianist, 2002, Polanski
Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired, 2008, Zenovich
Rosemary's Baby, 1968, Polanski

-Hugh Grant Interview,
-Roman Polanski, IMDB,
-Roman Polanski, Wikipedia,
-Roman Polanski Sexual Abuse Case, Wikipedia,
-Statutory Rape, Wikipedia,
-Tate Murders, Wikipedia,
-The Mating Game Isn't Over: A Reply to Buller's Critique of The Evolutionary Psychology of Mating, Various,

The Last Films I've Seen
1. The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo, 2011, Fincher, 9.3/10.
A brilliant film that uses a serial killer premise to explore the dark heart of modern existence.  Wikileaks, adultery, a serial killer, harsh climate, brilliant cinematography, and more.
2. Bitter Moon, 1992, Polanski, 7.4/10.
See above.
3. Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired, 2008, Zenovich, 5.5/10.

1. "Seeing Things," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 2, 2014, Fukunaga, 9.3/10.
More searching, more character-building.  One of the detectives is an adultering religious man, the other an atheist whose daugher's death created a vacant soul.
2. "The Locked Room," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 3, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
"If the only thing keeping people decent is divine judgement, than that person is a piece of shit." -Rust.  I mean.. the cynicism is delectable here.  Photography is sublime in this series.  The aerial shots of backwater rundowns are phenomenal, reminding me of the Smithsonian aerial photography series, Aerial America (each episode I've seen of this, I think just Louisiana and Washington so far has been breathtaking).  "Like many dreams, there's a monster at the end."  Yes, yes there is..  The next episode is set up here to be incredible.
3. "Who Goes There," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 4, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
9.8/10 on IMDB with nearly 6000 votes.  Wow.  The episode doesn't disappoint.  The filming here is so damned brilliant.
4. "The Secret Fate of All Life," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 5, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
5. "Haunted Houses," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 6, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0
6. "After You're Gone," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 7, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
7. "Form And Void," True Detective, Season 1, Episode 8, 2014, Fukunaga, 10.0.
See next week. :)
8. "The Hide Cutters," Gunsmoke, Season 14, Episode 2, McEveety, 6.8/10.
Another solid Gunsmoke episode where the desire to do right works its way out of a disheveled young man.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Unfinished Business (ALATWA #18) 17 March 2014

I've arrived at the library and I'd like to start my paper on True Detective, so I read An Inhabitant of Sarcosa (Bierce).  Eerie.  The series is incredibly good.

We planted a bunch of stuff at dad's today and will continue tomorrow.  Apparently Emergency Unemployment Insurance is back on the table so I'll be keeping tabs on that.

March Madness begins this week so that will be great.  Excited to watch Oregon against BYU.  Not sure if my dad is signing up for a bracket so will be calling him this evening to check in.

Headed to Eugene this weekend to pack up my storage unit.  I need to call them and check in as well.

There's plenty more going on as well, but I'm too excited to worry about it as I prepare papers on Roman Polanski's Bitter Moon and True Detective.  Ciao!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

True Detective (Weekend Review #16) 16 March 2014

We went to the vendor mall in St. Helens on Friday and I got my license reinstated.  My mom lost her clutch and keys and we spent the last hour searching for it.  A couple of really nice people (including the owners) helped us search for it.  One of the co-owners found it.  She was really sweet.

I found a couple of amazing dvds.  30th Anniversary Edition of Roots and the Criterion edition of Magnificent Obession both @ $5, and then my mom snagged a dual edition of The Red Balloon/White Mane for $3.  Craziness.

I watched a lot of film and played a lot of MTG on my mom's old laptop.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fretting About Music, Part 1 (Saturday Life #18) 15 March 2014

Though there are recordings on me playing a string or two on guitar whilst hanging out with my brother and my dad while quite young, I didn't really start playing guitar seriously until I was nearly 17.

David Adams was my first teacher, followed by guitar lessons from Luke something-or-other.  I took those for about 6 months.  I started taking music theory and that certainly augmented my learning.

It was weird realizing how much I'd been missing.  The band Tool (musically, but especially lyrically and conceptually) unlocked a series of doors.

To this day, when I consider a day well lived (a post I'm shaping up, an idea, for that matter, that I am shaping up), I find practicing the guitar an integral part.

Dave and I played together a lot at first.  He had a ton of songs he'd written out, lyrically and musically.  It showed me a world into being in a band.  We practiced a few times.  I met future close friend Shane at one of the practices.  I really wanted to play with my supremely talented Jason Baldwin, a friend of mine whose ability has been proven time after time in the animation industry.

I played with him, Harlan (a guitar player who lived down the street), and a drummer I can't remember?  I was playing bass at the time.  Then I started playing with Justin Ankenman, his friend Justin, drummer Matt Arnits, and guitarist Aaron Andersen.  It was a bit of a powerhouse, with me on bass.  We had fun.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Bentons (Friday #16) 14 March 2014

It was wild riding along with my brother yesterday, checking out potential homes to get at a low price and flip them.  We were down in the highlands as they call them, and we had some interesting epleriences.  But what struck me the most was being in our old stomping grounds on 19th avenue, driving past the Denman's, the Benton's, the Mistics, the Yanez's, the Pithan's, and having all those memories come flooding back.

I remember hours of kick-the-can, throwing water balloons at the bus, and putting sticks in a pile of leaves so it would sound like people running them over (they were unavoidable, in the middle of the street).  Most of all, I remember playing tons of Final Fantasy 2 with Jake Benton, my best friend at the time.  His brother has since passed, which was unexpected.  My brother tried to say something at his funeral but couldn't stop crying.  :/

Then there was Cory Franklin, whose dad passed.  We played magic quite a bit.  He lived on 20th.

20th Ave Market.  I remember walking there with my best friend in 6th grade, Josh Laurila.  Man, we had a lot of fun.  We played G.I. Joe, we drew a lot, we even did Amtgard a bit.  I loved the guy like a brother, but I was a bad brother then.  I remember asking him who he liked in 7th grade and distinctly telling him I wasn't sure who I liked, even though it was the same person!  I was such an ass.  I deeply regret that, among the worst things I've ever done in my life. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Stuff to do! (A Look at the Weekend #15) 13 March 2014

Pac 12 men's basketball tournament continues tonight, and the Ducks won their first game.  Too bad the Huskies lost their first.  I need to find a park that has a basketball hoop.  I want to watch some NBA as well.  12 Years a Slave is on my radar, but I'm not sure I have enough money right now and I'm not even sure if it's still playing.

Continue to drop off applications and check on my SR22 through Progressive.  Read, write, go to the library and use their computer to write and such.  It should be good times.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Robert Johnson Sells His Soul To The Devil (Music #17) 12 March 2014

Today I'm going to write about an album that changed my life:
Robert Johnson's "King of the Delta Blues Singers."

"It was only after blues had largely disappeared from the black charts and had been revived as a nostalgic adjunct to the white folk and rock scenes that he became famed as the the most influential bluesman of all time." Wald

"Music is an essential Component of literally all social activities, and it does not require a great stretch of the imagination to believe that the same must have been true of our hominid ancestors." Wilson, Quoting Steven Brown

"Scholars love to praise the 'pure' blues artists or the ones, like Robert Johnson, who died young and represent tragedy.  It angers me how scholars associate the blues strictly with tragedy." BB King, From Wald

Eerie, haunting, considered by some as THE blues album, this artist was apparently thought of as sullen and moody in his day.  I have mixed feelings about what is thought about this album, but as an album, for me, it is sheer brilliance.  Admittedly, blues isn't my genre of choice, and I've never seen a blues band (per se) live before.  I've never really sought out the experience or thought it would be something I had to do.  To me, blues music is an exercise in repetition and offers not nearly enough commentary or interest to bring me to it intellectually.  I guess that's my path to music and I have to feel it in that way to feel it in any way.

This style of blues, this one man/one guitar thing is quite narcissistic in ways, and that is what I think of first, from a philosophical standpoint.  This is the history of blues, this one man telling the woes of his life.  It's ("King") not music you can dance to (aside from a bit of the music here and there), or really hum along to for that matter.  Despite the importance of the previous two steps (pitch blending and isometric rhythms are the keys for the musilanguage model proposed by Brown), this Delta Blues singer style is so forlorn, so idiosyncratic, and so solitary, it can't help but turn the ear.  The tragedy of being alone, of outlying, being ostracized by force (slavery, American culture) or choice, or ego, or true independence.  How to discern the difference?

Robert Johnson is the ultimate outlaw, a musician that no first-world white person can deny.  He never made money in his lifetime, he was an outsider among a highly disenfranchised minority, and he came to define a music style that laid the foundation for many CEOs to line their wallets.  What more could you want?  Well, the music itself crushes through 7+ decades of historical chutzpah and still speaks to me.  What does it say to you?

-King of the Delta Blues Singers, 1961, Robert Johnson.

-Escaping the Delta: Robert Johnson and the Invention of the Blues. Wald. 2004
-Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think About Our Lives. Wilson. 2007.
-Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History. McNeill. 1995.
-Music And Dance As a Coalition Signaling System, Hagen and Bryant, 2002.
-Theories of Music Origin, Brown