Thursday, April 3, 2014

Approaching Solitude (A Look at the Weekend #18) 3 April 2014

Job searching, and facing no longer living with mom and stepdad.  I'm going to miss having people around.

More resumes, more online apps, more working for dad, more of all of it.  Less sanity by nature, but I've gotta fight to have more.  Scheduling, discipline, both very important aspects of my life.  Gotta get up at 6am and live "one day as a lion."  Gotta watch movies, practice guitar and keep pushing the envelope of my life.  End the slop, live with purpose, and keep pushing.

"This is for the hearts still beating."  Thanks Jake, I needed that.

I'm done with 5 of 7 of the training, hoping to finish the rest tonight.  Probably head to dad's to work some and make some money.  Keep checking on interesting things about Unemployment insurance, etc.

I hope to say that I've exercised in 2 of the 3 following days.

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