Sunday, July 18, 2010

Migraine 2.0

I still get it, every day. It starts slow, and it builds. Some days I can't believe how bad it gets. It is truly hard to deal with. I have started to build some legacy though. Integrity is what it is all about.

My good friend Michelle and her husband/fiance are in town. I can't wait to see them. I am blessed to have her as my friend.

A quick side not on the NBA. Jordan saying that he wouldn't have reached out to Magic or Bird makes him a pretty big douchebag, in my eyes. Haha. I just can't believe him acting like he was trying to beat the best to be the best. Yeah, I can understand that, but seriously saying that could affect his legacy is so silly. Sacrificing money and this bullshit notion of being the best is part of what makes Lebron, Wade, and Bosh more special.

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