Friday, April 15, 2011

Intense day

630am: Wake up and wait for my friend John to take me to my first Rotary meeting. The meeting was a lot of information by a lady who does a lot with the culinary school/food preparations for LCC. Informative and impassioned. Rotary seems like a great, positive outlet for a lot of the energies I've saved up. Altruism is such a beautiful thing.

Came home and watched bits of Robert Bresson's Pickpocket. Ominous.

Work starts at 11am. I blew up on Ramona yesterday - this has been an incredibly stressful weeks - and so its still pervades my working mind. She didn't come in until 5pm.

Around 1pm, a nice guy who is caring for his mother comes in and we're chatting. His mom took around 10 pills of depakote (certainly an overdose) about 7 hours before he went in to see her and was told by our pharmacist to seek immediate medical attention and she may have resulting brain damage. Scary moment. Is this the last we'll hear of the problem?

At around 3pm, a regular of ours came in to tell me that my bike had been stolen. This is the bike I've ridden pretty much every day since November when my car got a flat. That's 5+ months of solid riding. I'm going to miss it :/