Monday, January 23, 2012

Lunch at subway

I need to start creating music, to organize my life, and begin achieving.

I need to write essays, write songs, and right wrongs.

I am making my through cahiers' list. Currently on a Mankiewicz film, the barefoot contessa, just barely into it.

Really digging game of thrones the novel as well. Can't wait to continue learning some of the details that the tv series has left out (which, admittedly, isn't a whole lot thus far).

Musically I can't stop listening to tragedy. They are so powerful and I can't wait until the 30th when I can see them with Wolves in the throne room! I have a feeling it could be my favorite show of all time.

I am still trying to get another blog off of the ground as well. Much to focus on this week :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:W 18th Ave,Eugene,United States

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