Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Untitled 5 (Music #20) 21 May 2014

Film.  Somehow I wrote about it yesterday.  My stepmom can't handle me working for my dad, so I won't be going up there anymore.  Fucking bitch.  Anxiety attacks.  Just like Julia.  I hate them both.  Leechy fuckers.  But so is my brother, so it serves him right.

Now my mom is mad that I don't say goodnight when I leave her house.  My stepdad is mad about it too.  Well fuck them both.  Jesus.  I have to be nice to the people that are kicking me as my teeth are being kicked in.

She says that I left her in a shitty state, haha!  Yes, I'm sorry I didn't clean up as I was moving into the homeless shelter.  Idiot.  Bide your time.  Wait until you can make it count.

Then fucking cut all ties.  They can rot.  I can't believe how much bullshit I deal with on a daily basis from these god-damned genes!!

Apparently I've angered my stepdad too, so much so that he thinks I'm rude.  He's the one who calls people assholes and idiots to their face and he thinks other people are rude??  Fucking dumb fuck.

How do I extricate myself from my poisoned family??

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