Saturday, September 15, 2012

Memories of underdevelopment (Saturday Life #6)

The once harmonious strings that bind the universe
Have been tuned to dischord

It's a good album, and expect a review of it and the show at the Wow at my next Wednesday music writing section.  

We've all been in love, right?  Maybe not the "Erich Fromm, Art of Loving" Love, but in some shape or form, the bug has all bitten us.  It's a huge part of our lives, our beliefs.  Sure, it's probably pretty Western in the monogamy-only, romantic sort of type, but it exists in its way in hunter gatherer societies as well.  The importance of romantic, monogamous love is difficult to explain, but I think trying is valid and potentially essential.  It's a Victorian concept, engrained, and Puritan torchbearers were not shy in invoking it's morality.  They still aren't.  Sadly, it's not an entirely natural social convention (statistics back this up, along with plenty of anthropological research), so it's adherence is a difficult, though rewarding goal.  

It's not only a wonderful thing, but in a naturalistic economy like capitalism, where we fully admit our inherent selfishness, it may be the most logical.  More on all of this later.  

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